Category Archives: Press Releases
LIOC contributed LKR 1 Mn to the ‘Most Venerable Galaboda Siri Gnanissara Thero Memorial Scholarship Trust Fund’
November 6, 2024 4:56 pm
LIOC contributed LKR 1 Mn to the ‘Most Venerable Galaboda Siri Gnanissara Thero Memorial Scholarship Trust Fund’, a noble initiative by Gangaramaya temple empowering future generations, which was inaugurated under the theme of ‘NENA ISURA’ on 03/11/2024 at Cinnamon Life, Colombo. The scholarship aims at providing education opportunities for deserving students, particularly from underprivileged communities.
Lanka IOC PLC is honoured to have supported the historic Kandy Esala Perahera, one of Sri Lanka’s most vibrant and culturally significant festivals. As a company committed to preserving and promoting the island’s rich cultural heritage, Lanka IOC is proud to contribute to this grand celebration, which brings together communities and showcases timeless traditions. Our involvement in this prestigious event reflects our dedication to cultural sustainability and our ongoing efforts to strengthen our connection with the communities we serve.
(Click to Enlarge Image)
Turn Your Land into a Landmark- Be a part of rewarding partnership with Lanka IOC
Lanka IOC PLC with a market presence of 20 years is Sri Lanka’s only private sector auto fuel retailer.Establishing itself as a formidable partner in the country’s socio-economic landscape, we mobilize economic activity and development. With an island wide footprint of 250 retail outlets the Company has fuelled a significant portion of the country’s retail fuel demand. Network expansion has been an important business activity for increasing the reach of petroleum productsacross the country. We are looking for dynamic entrepreneur/Corporate who possess suitable land for
setting up Petrol Shed and are willing to partner LIOC in providing the best in class fuel and services to customers. The Company proposes to appoint dealers for Petrol/Diesel sheds in Sri Lanka at following locations:
For All the Locations – Dealer Owned sheds
The dealer select is expected to provide the infrastructure for setting up of Petrol Sheds on the land
offered. Following shall be the role of the company and the dealer select for development of
infrastructure at Dealer owned sheds.
Role of Dealer
Ownership of land needs to be clearly established by the applicant, Land properly leveled and
compacted to be provided by the dealer, Provision of Paver Driveway, Canopy, Sales Building,
toilet/washroom for customers, Construction of compound wall, Provision of Yard Lights, Air facility
and Submersible Pump and any other facility as determined by the company, Standard Dealership
agreement to be executed with the company, Approval from Local Municipal/statutory Authority for
construction of Petrol Shed on the offered land is to be by the dealer select. (All these facilities are to
be developed as per Lanka IOC design and Specification.) Role of Company Supply and installation of Main Sigh Poles, Underground tanks, Dispensing pumps, installation of Hoarding and any other facility determined by company.
Applications for setting up Petrol/ Diesel shed dealerships of Lanka IOC are invited from the
landowners/ lessee/ their close relatives who have suitable land at the locations detailed above. The
minimum preferred Plot size is 125 ft frontage and 100 ft depth. Smaller plots can be considered by the company if they are at prime locations, and is found suitable by the company and suits statutory norms. The ownership of the land offered by the applicant is to be established in clear terms along with the supporting documents. Lanka IOC reserves the right to select the most potential/suitable site falling within near vicinity of the locations advertised above. In case the land is not owned by the applicant, the individual/ corporate can also apply if an agreement to sale or long term lease of at least 15 years has been made with the landowner and a copy of agreement to sale or long term lease is furnished along with the application. In such cases, the applicant will be eligible for interview and in case of getting selected, applicant will be required to procure the land (sale or long term lease) and submit the land ownership details to the company. For Dealer owned sheds, no lease shall be executed between the applicant and the Company. However, the ownership of the land offered by the applicant is to be established in clear terms along with the supporting documents. However company reserves the right to convert any site to company owned retail outlet on the mutually acceptable terms and conditions.
FUND REQUIREMENT: Estimated investment required from the applicant for development of infrastructure of the petrol shed excluding the cost of the land will be about LKR 100 Million.
The applicant must meet the following eligibility criteria.
a) Age : Not less than 21 years on the date of application.
b) Nationality : Sri Lankan
c) Education : minimum GCE “O” level pass
d) Application policy: Individuals/Corporate who are already having 3 or more LIOC RO (petrol
shed) Dealerships are not eligible to apply.
In the event of land owner not meeting the eligibility criteria on any one of the eligibility parameters or
if the land owner does not prefer to take the Petrol Shed Dealership himself, then any one of the close relatives of the land owner, i.e. spouse, parents, children (including son in law & daughter in law), real brothers and real sisters can apply for the dealership. The close relatives must qualify for the eligibility criteria and must enclose a consent letter from the land owner along with a proof establishing the relationship of the applicant with the land owner.
In case the joint owners / lessee are applying as a partnership firm each of the partners should
individually qualify on the eligibility criteria. They should fill individual applications and submit them
clubbed together in a single envelope. Land owners who desire to take any of the above cited close
relatives who are not co- owners of the land as a partner for the Dealership can do so by applying
individually and clubbing together the application in a single envelope. Limited Companies and Co-
operative societies who possess suitable sites can also apply.
(a) The candidate selected for dealership shall be a working dealer and shall be paying attention towards day to day working of the dealership by personally managing the affairs of the dealership. He/She will not be eligible for taking up any other employment.
(b) The dealer is expected to maintain stock at atleast 5 days for all variants of Petrol and Diesel at all. Further, adequate stock of Lubricants as decided by the company from time to time shall be
maintained by the dealer.
(c) One selection, the candidate will be required to deposit with Lanka IOC a security deposit of LKR
5,000,000=00 (LKR Five Million) by way of Bank Draft, applicable for dealer owned sheds. Such
deposit will have to be made before the start of construction by LIOC at the offered plot. This
amount called the Security Deposit is refundable at the time of resignation / termination and will not
carry any interest. Lanka IOC also reserve its right to adjust any dues to it from this amount at the
time of resignation / termination. However, in case such termination is due to proven adulteration /
malpractices then the deposit amount will be forfeited.
(d) The applicant on selection should be capable to raise necessary funds for effectively operating the dealership to the satisfaction of the company.
(e) The applicant should possess sound physical and mental health.
(f) Following basic facilities will be provided by each dealer. Air Facility, Drinking water, neat & clean toilet, First Aid Kit with medicines, telephone, adequate
illumination, Diesel Generator set of adequate capacity. safety equipments like Fire extinguishers
and Sand buckets, any other things as advised by company from time to time.
(a) Applications forms can be downloaded from LIOC web site or can be collected
from LIOC head office on any working days from 9am to 5pm.
(b) Applicants have to submit a bank draft of LKR 10,000/= (Ten thousand only) along with the applications in favor of “Lanka IOC PLC”
(c) Applicants are advised to fill up the application form as per Annexure A along with relevant
(d) Applicants are advised to fill up the checklist given as Annexure B and put it on top of application
(e) The company reserves the right to cancel / withdraw / amend this advertisement or extend the due date at its sole discretion without assigning any reason.
(f) No addition / deletion / alteration will be permitted in the application once it is submitted.
(g) Applications received after the cut-off date including postal delay, and those without accompanying valid documents or incomplete in any respect will not be considered and no correspondence will be entertained by Lanka IOC in such cases whatsoever.
(h) Affidavit as per Annexure-C is to be submitted in original along with the application.
(i) Applicants willing to apply for more than one location can do so in separate application form
(j) If any statement made in the application or in the document enclosed therewith or subsequently
submitted in pursuance of the application by the candidate at any stage is found to be incorrect or
false, the application is liable to be rejected without assigning any reason and in case the applicant
has been appointed as a dealer, the dealership is liable to be terminated. In such cases the candidate / dealer shall have no claim whatsoever against Lanka IOC.
(k) The envelope containing the application, duly filled in, should be super scribed as under
“Application for Petrol/ Diesel Dealership at……………………………. (Location)”
(l) A person selected for dealership after issuance of Letter of Appointment will have to execute a
standard Dealership Agreement with Lanka IOC as per the terms of the company.
(m) This is purely a business proposition and not an application for job in Lanka IOC and has normal
business risks and also do not guarantee any assured returns or profits.
(n) This is only an advertisement for application and not an offer of dealership.
(o) Final selection of the dealership will be on the basis of the evaluation of the candidates based on
verified documents and final interview.
(p) The land evaluation shall be out of maximum 60 marks and balance 40 marks are allocated to
applicant during the interview.
(q) Please note that Lanka IOC PLC does not accept any payment in cash. Also please note no payment is to be made to Lanka IOC in any form (either Bank Draft/ cheque / or any other form) for allotment of dealership or for issuance of Letter of intent (LOI) for Retail Outlet dealership (Petrol Shed). Security deposit in the form of Bank Draft is payable to Lanka IOC PLC only before the construction work is started by LIOC for the Retail Outlet dealership.
(r) Please note that Lanka IOC has not authorized any single officer/individual to allot Retail Outlet
dealerships directly. Selection for RO dealerships is done after evaluation of application form as
detailed above & on the basis of interview by a panel of Head of Departments (HODs).
(s) Please note that selection for Retail Outlet dealership (Petrol Sheds) is done through above
mentioned system only. Lanka IOC PLC has not authorized anyone to deal with prospective applicants in any manner other than the dealer selection system mentioned above. If anyone deals
with any person/persons and/or makes any payment to any person/persons for the purpose of
allotment of Retail Outlet dealership (Petrol Sheds), will be doing so at his/her own risk & Lanka
IOC PLC will not be responsible in any manner.
(t) Applicants who have applied previously for the locations advertised have to apply fresh.
(u) All corrigendum to this advt will be put on company’s website only
In case of any clarification you may call the Manager – (Sales) following telephone Nos between 0900 hrs and 1700 hrs. on TP 0759278015 / 0112 475720 on all working days.
Filled applications along with relevant enclosures complete in all respects should be put in a sealed cover super scribed “Application for Petrol/Diesel Dealership at……………………………..” and to be
submitted so as to reach following office address on or before 1700 hrs on 30.06.2024.
Senior Vice President (RS&HR)
Lanka IOC PLC – Level 20, West Tower,
World Trade Centre, Echelon Square,
Colombo -01.
Please find below the Annexure document and notice
LANKA IOC PLC invites applications to appoint Distributors for Servo Lubricants in Colombo with Warehouse facilities at Colombo, Hambantota and Kurunegala
August 14, 2023 1:45 pm
Enclosure to Application Form for Servo Lube Distributors (LD).
Guidelines to Candidates:
Note: Lanka IOC reserves the right to change the above “Area of Operation (Territory) at any point of time.
- We are on the lookout for strong, energetic and self-motivated associates to partner with us on this challenging but exciting and rewarding initiative. The associates are expected to spearhead the systematic distribution, promotion and selling of our products in the assigned area thereby participating with us in the exciting growth opportunity.
- Applicant should be an Individual or Firm (Proprietorship or Partnership) or Co-operative Society or Limited Company.
- Sri Lankan by Citizenship.
- Not less than 21 years of age and not more than 60 year of age on the date of application
- Minimum A level or recognized equivalent. Preference for qualified professionals.
(i) If the candidate is an individual he/she should be domiciled or be resident or have established business in Sri Lanka.
(ii) If the candidate is a Partnership firm, at least one partner should be domiciled or be resident or have established business or the partnership firm itself should have established business in Sri Lanka.
(iii) If the candidate is a Co-operative Society or Limited Company, the society or company as the case may be, should have established business in Sri Lanka.
- SOUND to initially generate a working capital of minimum Rs. 60-100 million.
- Limited Companies & Registered Co-operative Societies/Consumer Co-operative Societies making a net profit for the previous two consecutive financial years as certified by Chartered Accountant can apply provided they do not have any criminal records. AGE AND EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA WILL NOT BE APPLICABLE IN THESE CASES.
- Candidates convicted for any criminal offence including that of moral turpitude / economic offences (other than Freedom Struggle), are not eligible to apply.
- In case of partnership firm, each partner should individually meet the eligibility criteria except 3(ii). Partnership firm must meet the eligibility criteria 3(ii) as a whole.
- Existing Lube Distributors of LIOC are not eligible to apply. LD whose distributorship contract has expired before the date of application and there is no renewal request pending at LIOC as on the date of application can apply.
- Existing Stockists / Distributors of competing brand of Servo can apply. On selection and appointment the person is to resign from the Stockiest ship / Distributorship of the competing brand & resignation accepted within three months of appointment as LD.
- Firm/Proprietor/Partners of any Lube manufacturing firm are not eligible to apply. Limited Company/Registered co-operative society manufacturing Lubricants are not eligible to apply. Chairman/Managing Director/Directors or any other functionary of any Limited company manufacturing Lubricants can apply as individual. Once selected and received LOI for the Lube distributorship, such applicant is to resign from any capacity in the Limited Company and board resolution accepting such resignation to be submitted to LIOC before appointment as Lube Distributorship.
- Candidates with successfully demonstrated capability in redistribution for at least 3 years as dealership of products like chemicals, gases, machinery spare parts, lubricants etc) would be preferred. Capabilities in Lubricant distribution would be an added advantage.
- The candidate selected as LD shall be a full time working distributorship. Further, details of the eligibility criteria and conditions as mentioned in the Application Form shall apply.
- Application form can also be downloaded from our Website
- Application forms and enclosures complete in all respect must be submitted in duplicate so as to reach the following office address on or before 1600 hrs on 17th August 2023. The company reserves the right to cancel/ withdraw/ amend this advertisement or extend the due date at its sole discretion without assigning any reason.
Senior Vice President (Lubes Marketing & Production),
West Tower, World Trade Centre,
Echelon Square, Colombo 01.
- For any further clarifications, Please contact following personnel with the given contact numbers.
Mr.Viraj Prasath –Asst.Manager Sales : – 075 9 27 8057 /011 2 475720
LANKA IOC PLC invites applications to appoint Distributors for Bitumen and Petrochemical in Maldives (Male)
Enclosure to Application Form for Bitumen & Petrochemical Distributors .
Guidelines to Candidates:
Note: Lanka IOC reserves the right to change the above “Area of Operation (Territory) at any
point of time.
We are on the lookout for strong, energetic and self-motivated associates to partner with us
on this challenging but exciting and rewarding initiative. The associates are expected to
spearhead the systematic distribution, promotion and selling of our products in the assigned
area thereby participating with us in the exciting growth opportunity.
Applicant should be an Individual or Firm (Proprietorship or Partnership) or Limited
A. Age : Not less than 21 years of age and not more than 60 year of age on the date of
B. Qualification: Minimum A level or recognized equivalent. Preference for qualified
(i) If the candidate is an individual he/she should have established business in Maldives at
least for last 3 years.
(ii) If the candidate is a Partnership firm, at least one partner should be domiciled or be
resident or have established business or the partnership firm itself should have established
business in Sri Lanka/ Maldives.
(iii) If the candidate is of Limited Company, the society or company as the case may be,
should have established business in Sri Lanka/ Maldives.
1. Business Capital: SOUND to initially generate a working capital of minimum US$50,000.
Credentials of working capital are to be produced along with application.
2. Limited Companies making a net profit for the previous two consecutive financial years as
certified by Chartered Accountant can apply provided they do not have any criminal records.
3. Candidates convicted for any criminal offence including that of moral turpitude / economic
offences (other than Freedom Struggle), are not eligible to apply.
4. In case of partnership firm, each partner should individually meet the eligibility criteria
except B(ii). Partnership firm must meet the eligibility criteria B(ii) as a whole.
5. Existing Distributors of LIOC are not eligible to apply. Distributors whose distributorship
contract has expired before the date of application and there is no renewal request pending
at LIOC as on the date of application can apply.
6. Existing Stockists / Distributors of competing brand of Servo can apply. On selection and
appointment the person is to resign from the Stockiest ship / Distributorship of the competing
brand & resignation accepted within three months of appointment as Distributor.
7. Firm/Proprietor/Partners of any Lube manufacturing firm are not eligible to apply. Limited
Company/Registered co-operative society manufacturing Lubricants are not eligible to apply.
Chairman/Managing Director/Directors or any other functionary of any Limited company
manufacturing Lubricants can apply as individual. Once selected and received LOI for the
Lube distributorship, such applicant is to resign from any capacity in the Limited Company
and board resolution accepting such resignation to be submitted to LIOC before appointment
as Distributorship.
8. Candidates with successfully demonstrated capability in redistribution for at least 3 years
as dealership of products like chemicals, gases, machinery spare parts, lubricants etc) would
be preferred. Capabilities in Lubricant distribution would be an added advantage.
9. The candidate selected as Bitumen Distributor/ Petrochemical Distributor shall be a full
time working distributorship. Further, details of the eligibility criteria and conditions as
mentioned in the Application Form shall apply.
10. Supplies shall be arranged by LIOC only against advance payments or for the quantity
secured against Bank Guarantee at all times.
11. Application form can also be downloaded from our Website
12. Application forms and enclosures complete in all respect must be submitted in duplicate
so as to reach the following office address on or before 1600 hrs (SLT) on 15 th May 2023.
The company reserves the right to cancel/ withdraw/ amend this advertisement or extend the
due date at its sole discretion without assigning any reason.
Senior Vice President (Lubes Marketing & Production),
West Tower, World Trade Centre,
Echelon Square, Colombo 01.
13. For any further clarifications, Please contact following personnel with the given contact
Mr. Mohamed Zawher – Manager Commercial : +94 75 9 278 045
Download Application for Bitumen & Petrochemical Distributor (OVERSEAS)
Please find the videos and material on how to register for the National Fuel Pass for both customers and Petrol Station Staff (pumpers).
Customer Awareness Materials
Register National Fuel Pass in Sinhala
Register National Fuel Pass in Tamil
Register National Fuel Pass in English
Pumper Awareness Materials
Pumper Journey Steps in Sinhala
Pumper Journey Steps in Tamil
10 Motorbikes giveaways to delight the customers during LIOC/Honda Fill & Win Campaign
December 28, 2021 1:20 pm
It is said that all good things come to an end. And similarly the ‘Fill and win’ Mega Campaign conducted at 205 petrol sheds of Lanka IOC launched in the year 2020 January 13th also concluded on March 15th 2020. However due to the Pandemic the Prize distribution could not be conducted earlier.
Despite the Pandemic the Campaign received an overwhelming, enthusiastic and positive response from all customers covering 07 Province. Over 1.50 Lac customers participated in the campaign that brought together all stakeholders, pledging to appreciate, thank and reward motorists for their patronage.
Speaking on the sidelines of the event Mr.Tarinda Executive Director and Mr.Charaka Pareira Director of Stafford Motors said that the cross promotion campaign provided motorists the opportunity to drive away with Honda scooters with a total prize offering worth over 2.25 Mn LKR.
The lucky winners could not believe that despite the present situation and two years since itslaunch both Lanka IOC & Stafford Motors honoured the commitment and delivered the motorcycles to the winners thus generating goodwill amongst its existing customers and bringing forward new customers
Mr.Manoj Gupta Lanka IOC was also delighted to share that with the new pricing that provides motorists the choice to fuel at their favourite petrol sheds of Lanka IOC they always get to take away something exciting on fuelling and Lanka IOC hopes to partner with Stafford Motors and similar partners to bridge the gap and bring the customers closer to their preferred brands through Lanka IOC petrol sheds
Individuals interested in this offer can seek further information from
The winners attended the grand prize distribution ceremony at short notice and travelled from a distance of over 300 kilometers. One of the winners said that even now it is unbelievable that he has won a Honda Bike as part of this promotion. Similar sentiment was echoed by 06 of the 10 winners who were present on the occasion.
Concluding the event Mr.Manoj Gupta while wishing all those present a Merry Christmas said that there could not have been a better way for customers to Celebrate Christmas and thanked Stafford Motors management for their support and partnership with Lanka IOC that is benefiting all these motorists and winners and assured to continue such initiatives that would offer customers instant gratifications as well.
Lanka IOC proposed to appoint Retail Outlet (petrol shed) dealers at various location across the Island.
Download Application (in Sinhala)
Download Application (in English & Tamil)
Notice of Appointment (in Sinhala)
Notice of Appointment (in Tamil)
Notice of Appointment (in English)
LANKA IOC PLC invites applications to appoint Distributors for Servo Lubricants in the following districts
January 7, 2020 9:32 am
- Mannar • Vavuniya • Polonnaruwa •Matale • Kandy • Nuwara Eliya
- Badulla • Colombo/Outer Colombo • Hambantota.
Enclosure to Application Form for Servo Lube Distributors (LD).
Guidelines to Candidates:
Note: Lanka IOC reserves the right to change the above “Area of Operation (Territory) at any point of time.
- •We are on the lookout for strong, energetic and self-motivated associates to partner with us on this challenging but exciting and rewarding initiative. The associates are expected to spearhead the systematic distribution, promotion and selling of our products in the assigned area thereby participating with us in the exciting growth opportunity.
- •Applicant should be an Individual or Firm (Proprietorship or Partnership) or Co-operative Society or Limited Company.
1.Sri Lankan by Citizenship.
2.Not less than 21 years of age and not more than 60 year of age on the date of application
3.Minimum A level or recognized equivalent. Preference for qualified professionals.
(i) If the candidate is an individual he/she should be domiciled or be resident or have established business in Sri Lanka.
(ii) If the candidate is a Partnership firm, at least one partner should be domiciled or be resident or have established business or the partnership firm itself should have established business in Sri Lanka.
(iii) If the candidate is a Co-operative Society or Limited Company, the society or company as the case may be, should have established business in Sri Lanka.
1.SOUND to initially generate a working capital of minimum Rs.1-10 million.
2.Limited Companies & Registered Co-operative Societies/Consumer Co-operative Societies making a net profit for the previous two consecutive financial years as certified by Chartered Accountant can apply provided they do not have any criminal records. AGE AND EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA WILL NOT BE APPLICABLE IN THESE CASES.
3.Candidates convicted for any criminal offence including that of moral turpitude / economic offences (other than Freedom Struggle), are not eligible to apply.
4.In case of partnership firm, each partner should individually meet the eligibility criteria except 3(ii). Partnership firm must meet the eligibility criteria 3(ii) as a whole.
5.Existing Lube Distributors of LIOC are not eligible to apply. LD whose distributorship contract has expired before the date of application and there is no renewal request pending at LIOC as on the date of application can apply.
6.Existing Stockists / Distributors of competing brand of Servo can apply. On selection and appointment the person is to resign from the Stockiest ship / Distributorship of the competing brand & resignation accepted within three months of appointment as LD.
7.Firm/Proprietor/Partners of any Lube manufacturing firm are not eligible to apply. Limited Company/Registered co-operative society manufacturing Lubricants are not eligible to apply. Chairman/Managing Director/Directors or any other functionary of any Limited company manufacturing Lubricants can apply as individual. Once selected and received LOI for the Lube distributorship, such applicant is to resign from any capacity in the Limited Company and board resolution accepting such resignation to be submitted to LIOC before appointment as Lube Distributorship.
8.Candidates with successfully demonstrated capability in redistribution for at least 3 years as dealership of products like chemicals, gases, machinery spare parts, lubricants etc) would be preferred. Capabilities in Lubricant distribution would be an added advantage.
9.The candidate selected as LD shall be a full time working distributorship. Further, details of the eligibility criteria and conditions as mentioned in the Application Form shall apply.
10.Application form can also be downloaded from our Website
11.Application forms and enclosures complete in all respect must be submitted in duplicate so as to reach the following office address on or before 1600 hrs on 22nd January 2020. The company reserves the right to cancel/ withdraw/ amend this advertisement or extend the due date at its sole discretion without assigning any reason.
Senior Vice President (Lubes Marketing & Production),
West Tower, World Trade Centre,
Echelon Square, Colombo 01.
For any further clarifications, Please contact following personnel with the given contact numbers.
Ms. Shalini Sureshkumar –Executive Supply & Distribution :– 075 9 278 056
Mr.Viraj Prasath –Asst.Manager Sales : – 075 9 27 8057